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This page provides a list of relevant sources. You will be able to find useful links to multicultural literature, other relevant documents, organizations and individuals.

Relevant Sources

Realising Potential: The Public Library Service and Cultural Inclusion

Realising Potential: The Public Library Service and Cultural Inclusion

Author: An Chomhairle Leabharlanna/The Library Council Ireland
Organization: The National Economic and Social Forum (NESF)
In February 2006 the National Economic and Social Forum (NESF) announced a project to examine cultural inclusion. The Chomhairle Leabharlanna submission describes how public libraries contribute to cultural inclusion, addresses the three areas prioritised by the NESF, and makes recommendations for furthering this agenda. ...more»
Danish Strategies in Public Library Services to Ethnic Minorities

Danish Strategies in Public Library Services to Ethnic Minorities

Author: Jens Thorhauge
Organization: World Library and Information Congress: 69th IFLA General Conference and Council in Berlin
Resource type: Conference contributions
The contribution describes development of services within the context of the hybrid library in Denmark. Firstly the establishment of an Immigrant’s Library giving access to books in the immigrant’s own languages as well as to other library materials, and continuing on to the present day where the library tries to be more proactive in its support to the process of integration. ...more»
Recent Trends in Library Services for Ethnic Minorities – The Danish Experience

Recent Trends in Library Services for Ethnic Minorities – The Danish Experience

Author: Agot Berger
Publisher: Library Management, 2002
Resource type: Journal article
Outlines the experiences of the author in studying library services in multiethnic societies in several countries in Western Europe. This led to a comprehensive survey, carried out in 2001, into how the ethnic minorities in Denmark use public libraries. The methodology and main findings are provided, together with recommendations. ...more»
Windows on The World: Multicultural Festivals for Schools and Libraries

Windows on The World: Multicultural Festivals for Schools and Libraries

Author: Alan Heath
Publisher: Scarecrow press, 2001
Resource type: Collection of activities
To celebrate cultural differences, "Windows on the World" offers opportunities for research into various ethnic and national groups. It also promotes reading through thematic activities centered around diverse cultural celebrations. The book is profusely illustrated with photographs, diagrams, activity sheets, maps, bulletin board ideas, and easy-to-follow detailed instructions for arts and crafts projects. ...more»
Multicultural Acquisitions

Multicultural Acquisitions

Author: Karen Parrish, Bill Katz (eds.)
Publisher: The Haworth Press, 1993
Authors have compiled a broad basis for all levels of librarianship to develop collections addressing multiculturalism. The articles represent a multitude of perspectives from the graduate student to variety of professional information and school media specialists to authors and editors. The text covers all levels of librarianship, from children's services to academic libraries and government publications and it provides a wealth of ideas for developing library collections that address multicultural issues. ...more»
Diversity Now: People, Collections and Services in Academic Libraries

Diversity Now: People, Collections and Services in Academic Libraries

Author: Teresa Y. Neely, Kuang-Hwei Lee-Smeltzer
Organization: Big 12 Plus Libraries Consortium Diversity Conference
Publisher: The Haworth Information Press, 2002
Resource type: Conference contributions
Diversity Now is a collection of sixteen articles, originally presentations for the Big 12 Plus Libraries Consortium Diversity Conference held in April 2000 at University of Texas, bringing together the “best practices in academic libraries in the areas of people, collections, and services.” Diversity Now provides a unique research perspective on assessment and diversity integration in the academic libraries and highlights effective working strategies for a multicultural library environment.
Using the Internet for Intercultural Training: A Pilot Study of Web Sites in English for Children, Young Adults, Teachers and Trainers

Using the Internet for Intercultural Training: A Pilot Study of Web Sites in English for Children, Young Adults, Teachers and Trainers

Author: Andreas Hieronymus
Organization: European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC)
Resource type: Research Report
The development of the Internet and the expansion of websites have escalated at an unpredicted rate, it reminds us how powerful instrument Internet can be. The EUMC commissioned a pilot study in 2002 to identify websites and website characteristics for promoting diversity and intercultural values. This study limited the search to websites in the English language.
Libraries for All: Social Inclusion in Public Libraries

Libraries for All: Social Inclusion in Public Libraries

Author: Policy Guidance for Local Authorities in England
Organization: Department for culture, media and sport in UK
Resource type: Guide
This publication has been created as a policy guidance for local authorities in England. As one of the Government’s highest priorities is to combat social exclusion, this document aims to stimulate and direct the role of libraries by providing practical guidance on what libraries can do to help. ...more»
Multiculturalism in Libraries

Multiculturalism in Libraries

Author: Rosemary Ruhig Du Mont, Lois Buttlar, William Caynon
Publisher: Greenwood Press, 1994
This book provides an historical overview of the response of libraries to multiculturalism, education and research in multicultural librarianship, the impact of demographic trends on library patrons, and administrative concerns. Several case studies exemplify the discussion.
Public Libraries, Ethnic Diversity and Citizenship

Public Libraries, Ethnic Diversity and Citizenship

Author: Patrick Roach, Marlene Morrison
Publisher: British Library Board, 1998
Resource type: Research Report
This paper reports on a British Library-funded project "Public Libraries, Ethnic Diversity and Citizenship". The project examined how public library services have responded to the implications of ethnic diversity in the way that services are constructed, managed and reviewed. The findings, based on feedback from both information professional and community members, raise a number of difficult issues to be addressed by the public library sector in Britain, and the authors highlight these areas in their discussion.
Cultural Diversity: How Public Libraries Can Serve the Diversity in the Community

Cultural Diversity: How Public Libraries Can Serve the Diversity in the Community

Author: Jens Ingemann Larsen, Deborah Jacobs, Ton van Vlimmeren
Organization: Bertelsmann Stiftung
Resource type: Guide
The goal of this paper is to assist libraries by showing that serving multicultural communities is important not just for the library, but for the health of the entire community, and well worth the investment. It gives an overview of the state of the art on four continents, examples of best practices and an analysis of how libraries, both as individual bodies and acting in cooperative consortiums, can do better. ...more»
Libraries for All. The Role of Public Libraries in a Multicultural Society

Libraries for All. The Role of Public Libraries in a Multicultural Society

Author: Barbora Hořavová, Daniela Richterová (eds.)
Organization: Multicultural Center Prague
This is the first Czech guide to building a truly multicultural library. It provides information about multicultural activities of Czech public libraries and projects in foreign libraries. A bibliography and Internet resources dealing with foreigners and national minorities in the Czech Republic are also included. ...more»
Libraries as Gateways to the Integration of Immigrants in the EU

Libraries as Gateways to the Integration of Immigrants in the EU

Author: Lea Špačková, Jitka Štefková (eds.)
Organization: Multicultural Center Prague
This publication, intended for Czech public libraries, contains a comprehensive collection of texts and guidance on how create a multicultural library. The main text is a detailed manual for implementing integration activities in libraries. In addition, the publication provides information about multicultural activities of Czech public libraries and projects implemented by libraries abroad. ...more»

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With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union.
support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Unionsupport of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union
© 2009 Project partners of the Libraries for All - ESME project

Immigrant InstituteMulticultural Center Pragueokay. zusammen lebenSAT 3Public Library of Frankfurt am Main