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Diversity Now: People, Collections and Services in Academic Libraries

Diversity Now: People, Collections and Services in Academic Libraries

Author: Teresa Y. Neely, Kuang-Hwei Lee-Smeltzer
Organization: Big 12 Plus Libraries Consortium Diversity Conference
Publisher: The Haworth Information Press, 2002
Resource type: Conference contributions
Presented in four sections, Diversity Now covers a broad range of issues from recruitment and retention strategies to organizational culture, collections and access, and library instruction and education. Despite the variety of topics addressed, a common theme runs throughout the book: What responsibility (if any) does the profession have, and what role (if any) do professionals play, in the present state of librarianship in America? All of the topics addressed are relevant to today’s information profession and in the context of our country’s rapidly changing demographics.
With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union.
support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Unionsupport of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union
© 2009 Project partners of the Libraries for All - ESME project

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