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Multicultural Center Prague (Czech Republic)

Local Project: Libraries for All - Czech Republic / Knihovny pro všechny - Česká republika

Since we were founded in 1999, we have been busy working on new educational, cultural and information initiatives. We organize workshops, courses, international seminars, debates, film screenings and book readings for children, students, teachers, librarians and just about everybody else. Additionally, we also run websites devoted to issues such as migration and multicultural librarianship. We have a well-stocked public library designed for those with an interest in multicultural issues.

Role of the participant organization in the project:

MKC Prague was responsible for expertise in multiculturalism and multicultural libraries. Its role was to be an expert on the multicultural demands, and potential of local inhabitants (immigrants and members of the majority society).

Jakob Hurrle
Head coordinator
Phone: +420 296 325 349

Barbora Loudová Stralczynská
Coordinator of local project, webmaster of
Phone: +420 296 325 345

Zuzana Trnková
Zuzana was, as an volunteer, cooperating on the project from April 2009. She was responsible for updating the databases of Best Practices and Relevant Sources.

Related Informations

The Multicultural Centre Prague regional report

The Multicultural Centre in Prague in cooperation with Municipal Library Prague presents its regional report of a project "Libraries for All". Version is available for download in PDF.
Attachement: Regional report MKC (Czech).pdf [661.2 kB, pdf]
Attachement: Regional Report MKC (English).pdf [654 kB, pdf]

Czech language courses

Offer of free "low treshold" language courses in Prague during autumn 2010.
Attachement: Language course Municipal Library - english [616.7 kB, pdf]
Attachement: Language course Municipal Library - Russian [588.7 kB, pdf]
Attachement: Language course Municipal Library - Vietnamese [585 kB, pdf]
Attachement: Language course Smichov Library - English [719.4 kB, pdf]
Attachement: Language course Smichov Library - Russian [689.7 kB, pdf]
Attachement: Language course Smichov Library - Vietnamese [690.5 kB, pdf]

Exhibition "My home" of foreign artists living in Prague


The Multicultural Center Prague and the Municipal Library in Prague prepared an exhibition "My home" of foreign artists living in Prague. The exhibition was held in September 2010 in the Municipal Library branch in Opatov. There are a lot of foreigners living in Prague, some of them devote their free time creating something artistic which is new and original. It often happens however, that foreigners don’t have all the necessary contacts or enough money to exhibit their work. The aim of the unique exhibition “My home” was to give a possibility to foreigners to demonstrate their creative achievements and to acquaint the public with those people for whom the Czech Republic has become a temporary or a permanent home. The exhibition was placed in all halls of the Municipal Library branch in Opatov, including study halls and children’s section where the work of children from foreign families was also presented.

Selection of the artworks is to be seen in following presentations.

Attachement: My Home exhibition [785 kB, pdf]
Attachement: Presentation of non exhibited artworks [9.8 MB, pdf]

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union.
support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Unionsupport of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union
© 2009 Project partners of the Libraries for All - ESME project

Immigrant InstituteMulticultural Center Pragueokay. zusammen lebenSAT 3Public Library of Frankfurt am Main