Best Practices

Series of Events
[Århus Kommunes Biblioteker, Denmark]The library has established regular series of events (music, film showings, concerts, etc.) in which young people from the area are active partners both during the planning process and when the events are taking place. A part of the library space is used for the so-called »Job Corner« - a collaborative project combining people and resources from the local unemployment agency, the municipal social welfare department and the library-where patrons are offered assistance searching for vacant positions, writing applications and preparing for job interviews.
A local health care centre project is also on the library’s premises. A coordination group has been established by which public institutions within each school district coordinate activities. The library is seen as a cheap integration agent, where for instance free Internet access is a magnet for many young people and different user groups see the library as a »neutral« meeting place.
Source: Cultural Diversity. How Public Libraries Can Serve the Diversity in the Community (Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2004)
Århus Kommunes Biblioteker
Møllegade1 - 8000 Århus C