Best Practices

Multicultural Service
[Toronto Public Library, Canada]•• At every library foreigner can ask staff to phone an interpreter which he can talk to in his own language, interpreter will consequently translate to the staff member in English.
•• Everybody has a possibility to join a free citizenship class at selected Toronto libraries to help get ready for the Canadian citizenship test and learn about Canadian history, geography, government and citizenship requirements.
•• During the summer, Settlement and Education Partnership in Toronto (SEPT) workers come to the library to help newcomers with living and getting Immigration Settlement Information at the Library in Toronto. Workers also show how to use the library to adults and children.
•• The library works with CultureLink and other community organizations to offer English conversation programs. These conversation meetings give newcomers the chance to practice English, meet new friends, discover library services and learn about their new environment.
Source: - Immigrant Settlement and Orientation Resources
Toronto Public Library
789 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON M4W 2G8 Canada