Best Practices

Learning better Dutch at the Library!
[Gemeenetebibliotheek Utrecht , Netherlands]- An open offer of language programmes on the computers in the library. The same language-courses that are mostly used by the training centres (New Neighbours and Ice-breaker) available in the library near home;
- A special collection of other courses, books and cd-roms to learn Dutch as a second language is available in a cabinet nearby the computer programmes. The materials in this cabinet (in 7 libraries in Utrecht) for borrowing as well include courses (also on cd-rom), dictionaries and materials to practice reading. These are books on adult topics on different levels in reading;
- Also a virtual information shop for integration and citizenship has been installed on the library’s computer network. This tool on the computers in the Central library and all the branch libraries offers information to the users about live, work, money, health, education, residence permit, traffic and transport ( in 4 languages).
- An introduction visit at the library for groups who attend the naturalisation courses; this library-visit of groups is systematically programmed in the lessons.
- Support of conversation/ reading programmes for women (Dutch and non – Dutch) in some branch libraries.
Source: Libraries as Gateways to the Integration of Immigrants in the EU (MKC Prague, 2006)
Gemeenetebibliotheek Utrecht
P.O.Box 80. 3500 AB Utrecht