Best Practices

IT Courses for Immigrants
[The Hague Public Library, Netherlands]The Public Library of The Hague operates the review part of the Acquisition Information on Turkish and Moroccan Publications that is distributed by the National Library Service NBD to all Dutch libraries. Based on this information, they can order the new titles shelf-ready from the NBD. There is an agreement among the larger libraries in the country on the acquisition of ›exotic‹ languages. These are available to all library users through interlibrary loans.
The library is very active in creating a cultural meeting point. There are exhibitions, discussions and music performances in many branches and the central library. The library makes use in clever ways of the presence of embassies and consulates in the city, which are often very eager to cooperate. The library creates a special annual report to demonstrate their effort on cultural diversity and to show the importance of these services.
Source: Cultural Diversity. How Public Libraries Can Serve the Diversity in the Community
(Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2004)
The Hague Public Library
Spui 68, 2511 BT, Den Haag